Emergency Repairs Underway: Water Main Break at 19007 Barry Lane
Please be advised that a water main break has occurred at 19007 Barry Lane.
Crews are on their way and repairs should be completed by noon today.
Please be advised that a water main break has occurred at 19007 Barry Lane.
Crews are on their way and repairs should be completed by noon today.
All repairs have been concluded and the Boil Water Notice requirement for Harris County MUD 46 has been rescinded.
Update on August 26, 2023 at 11:23 AM: Boil Water Notice for Residents of Harris County MUD 46 Effective Until Further Notice. Repairs are in progress.
Due to three water main breaks associated with the extreme drought conditions in the Houston-area, a portion of Harris County MUD 46 residents may be experiencing low water pressure or a temporary loss of water. Please be aware that repairs are being made as quickly as possible, and that water should be restored within the next couple of hours. Residents of Harris County MUD 46 are asked to boil drinking water for the next 24-hours. We will update the District’s website again once the repairs are completed.