Setting Up Your Account in EyeOnWater
You must use a computer (not a phone or tablet) to sign up for the service.
- Visit
- Enter Zip code 77346
- Enter your Account Number: 39046-xxxxxxxxxx (Account number is on your bill) and click the Next button
- Enter your email address
- Create and confirm a password ( case sensitive)
- You will get a confirmation email from Beacon. You must verify your email address by clicking on the link that will be sent to you. Once you do this, you can sign in to EYEONWATER.BEACONAMA.NET using your email and password. Note this is a different web address than was used in step 1.
- After logging into EyeOnWater, set a leak alert in the upper left corner (todate over 1100 leaks found by system saving both water and money). A good number to use is 5 gallon per hour intermittent (not continuous) leak over a 24-hour period. Put in your email and press the”+” symbol to add it.