Unplanned Repairs

Due to an electrical failure associated with construction at the District’s Water Plant, a portion of Harris County MUD 46 residents may be experiencing low water pressure or a temporary loss of water.

As a result of the temporary loss in water pressure, please restrict any heavy water use or irrigation activities until further notice.

Please be aware that repairs are being made as quickly as possible, and that water should be restored within the next couple of hours. We will update the District’s website again once the repairs are completed.

Drought Contingency Plan

In order to conserve water during current drought conditions, the City of Houston has implemented Stage 1 of its Drought Contingency Plan.  During this stage, the Harris County MUD No. 46 Board of Directors is requesting that all residents of the District take the following voluntary measures:

  • Check for and repair all leaks, dripping faucets, and running toilets.
  • Check sprinkler heads to make sure that water is not spraying into the street or directly into a storm drain.
  • Utilize water conservation measures such as displacement bags, low-flow shower heads, and leak detection tablets.
  • Limit irrigation to no more than two (2) days per week, between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.