- For the next 24-hours, please do not drink your tap water. To ensure your tap water is safe for drinking, bring it to a rolling boil for at least one minute. LET COOL BEFORE DRINKING.
- After boiling your water, store it in the refrigerator for drinking.
- If you have a water filter, don’t assume that you don’t need to boil your drinking water. Most common water filters are incapable of removing microorganisms.
- Don’t let your pets drink your contaminated water; give them clean, cooled boiled water.
- If using water to treat minor injuries, boil the water and wait for it to cool first.
- Be careful not to swallow shower or bath water.
- Use bottled or cooled boiled water for everything in your household, including doing your teeth, making ice, washing salad items, and bathing.
- Cook and prepare food using boiled and cooled water.
- Disinfect food contact surfaces and dishes with tap water containing a teaspoon of bleach per gallon.
- Throw away any foods, beverages or ice cubes made with your contaminated drinking water.